Wednesday 30 January 2013

Decision Making - if (I)

  Points to remember:
a.       No semi colon after  the condition in if statement.
Section A
1.       Re write the following using a ternary operator
i.       if(income<100000)                               [ICSE 2007]
ii.     if(p>=5500)
2.       Re write the statements using if statements:
i.     com=(sale>3000)?sale*2/100:0;
ii.    net =(salary(200000)?salary – (7.33/100)*salary: salary – (5/100)*salary;

3.       What is a block?
4.       Write the differences between if and switch .    [ICSE 2006]
5.       Find the output:
int a=1;
int b=5;
System.out.print(“ Value is five”);
System.out.print(“ Value is not five”);

Section  B
1.       Write a program to calculate the monthly electricity bill as per the following conditions.
Units                                                 Rate per unit
<=100                                               meter rent
for next 200 units                         Rs.1.00 per unit+rent
for next 200 units                         Rs.1.50 per unit+rent
for >500 units                               Rs.2.25 per unit+rent
Input the consumer name, units consumed.Claculate  and print the bill amount .The meter rent is Rs.200.
2.       A library fine is calculated using the conditions given below:
Days                                                                      Fine
1 to 5                                                          Rs 1.00 per day
6 to 10                                                       Rs.1.50 per day
11 to 15                                                      Rs.2.50 per day
>15                                                            Rs.3.50 per day
3.       A company provides motorbike on rent to its members only.Write a program to input the bike number,name,member id,number of days and calculate the rent to be paid.
Days                                                    Rate per day
first 7 days                                            Rs.500 per day
next 7 days                                           Rs.400 per day
>14 days                                               Rs.200 per day
Print the output in the following format:
Bike No     Customer Name     Member ID    No. of days         Rent to be paid

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