Monday 21 January 2013

Class X - Class and Objects

The questions from this chapter are more or less predictable. No out of the box questions.
Object Oriented Programming :
It is a modular approach.It provides reusability of data.

  • Object is a unique entity whuch contains data and functions (i.e ) characteristica and behaviour.
  • The characteristics in a real world object is considered as the data member in the software object.
  • The behaviour in a real world object is considered as the method or function in sofware object.
Classes :

  • Class is a set of similar objects.Each object has same attributes and behaviour.
  • The charecteristics which make them different are the attributes.
  • Therefore the data members contained within the class are called attributes.
  • A class is the proottype of an object.Each object which belongs to a particular class has data and methods.As class produces objects of similar type, so class is called as an object factory.
Encapsulation :
  • The system of wrapping data and function into a single unit is called as encapsulation.
Data abstraction :
  • It is the act of representing essential features without including background details.
Inheritance :
  • It is the process by which objects of one class can link and share some common properties of objects from another class.
  • The advantage of this property is reusability.
Polymorphism :
  • It is the process of using a function for more than one purpose.

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