Sunday 23 July 2017

Class 7 - Introduction to HTML

HTML (Hyper Text MarkUp Language) is used to create web pages. The codes are called tags. The tags are given within < and >.
There are two types of tags ,
i.                   Container Tag : It has both opening and closing tags.
                         e.g : <html>  </html>
ii.                 Empty Tag     : It has only a opening tag.
                        e.g : <br>
The basic structure of a HTML document is
 Whatever is typed between <title> and </title>  will be displayed on the title bar not in the web page.

<head><title> My Page BCBS</title>

Your text goes here.

Example 1 :
<head><title> My Page BCBS</title>
Bishop Cotton Boys' School

The output will be :

The data entered between <body> and </body> only  will be displayed in the web page.
Line break tag <br>:
It moves the cursor to the next line.
Paragraph Tag <p> :
It leaves a blank line.
Example 1 :
<head><title> My Page BCBS</title>
BCBS <p>

Thomas House <br>
Pope House <br>
Elphick House <br>
Pakenham Walsh  House <br>
Pettigrew House

The output will be :


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