Sunday 8 September 2013

Class 7 -MS Excel

Functions :
One of the useful things in excel is built in functions. we just need to select our data and enter the function.. simple.

Each function contains two parts namely
  • Function name
  • Arguments
e.g :

here sum is the function name and A1 : A10 the argument.

1. SUM ( )
It adds all the numbers in the given range. Both the formula and function should start with an equal symbol.
  • =Sum(C5 : C25)
  • = Sum(12,34,97)
  • =Sum(A1,250)
All the above methods are valid.

2. PRODUCT ( )
It multiplies all the numbers in the given range.
  • =Product(C5 : C25)
  • = Product(12,31)
  • =Product(G11,250)

  • 3.AVERAGE( )
    It finds the average of the given numbers in the range.
    • =Average(C5 : C25)
    • = Average(122,31,56,78,40)
    4. MAX( )
    It finds the maximum number in the given range

    5. MIN( )
    It finds the minimum number in the given range

    6.NOW( )
    Displays the current date and time. There is no argument here.
    7.TODAY( )
    Displays the current date.

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