Monday 30 September 2013

Revision - Class 8

          Q. Write a program to display the following :


1.     One Day International(ODI)

a.     World Cup

2.     T 20

i.                   IPL

ii.                 Big Bash League

3.     Test Match
4.     First Class Cricket
5.     Informal Amateur Cricket
·        Beach Cricket
·        Backyard Cricket
·        Street Cricket
Note:  The background colour is crimson and the font colour is white.


     Write a complete  HTML program to  create a webpage as given below. 

The title of the page is an image file (title.png) , and the other image file is gladiator.jpg.

The file names of  different notepad files are histry.html, image1.html, image2.html, image3.html, image4.html. Link all the pages.



3. Create a table with the following specifications. The  image files are ascot.jpg, acubra.jpg, bucket.jpg and patrol.jpg
Name of the Hat

similar to the flat cap, but distinguished by its hardness and rounded shape.

Australian felt hat with a wide brim.
Bucket Hat

soft cotton hat with a wide, downwards-sloping brim.
Patrol cap

Also known as a field cap,a scout cap,worn by military personnel in the field when a combat helmet is not required.


Sunday 15 September 2013

Revision -Std 6

(Refer the Summary of the lesson and the  exercise questions)

I. Fill in the blanks :
 1. The two categories of printers are ______ and _______.
 2. The white rectangular area in the center of the window is   
      known as the _____.
 3. The  ______ can be either a number, a character or some 
 4. The intersecting horizontal and vertical lines on the stage is     
     called ________.
 5. ______ are small memory units used to store intermediate data, instructions and result while processing.

II. Say true or false :
1. The control unit handles all the mathematical calculations and
    logical comparisons.
2. Merged document contains the variable information for each 
    individual item.
3. The  Brush tool is contained in the colors section of the toolbox.
4. The dimensions option is used to change the height and width of
     the document.
5. Sequencing and timeline are the two components of timeline.

III. Name the following :
1. It displays the name of the software(Flash Professional 8) and the name of the document.
2.  The new generation optical storage device that is designed as a replacement to DVD.
3. It contains the variable information for each individual item in Word document.
3. The grey area surrounding the stage.
4. It contains the standard information in the form of text and graphics.
5. It stores data for a short period of time. There is a continuous need to refresh the memory.

IV. Differentiate the following :
1. Binary and decimal number systems.
2. RAM and ROM
3. Stage and Workarea
4. Footnote and Endnote
5. CD and DVD

 V.  Label the parts

VII. Convert the following to the given number system :

1. (1001)2  ------ > ? 10
2. (10101)2  ------ > ? 10
3. (1111)2  ------ > ? 10
4. (11101)2  ------ > ? 10
5. (101)2  ------ > ? 10
6. (31)10  ------ > ? 2
7. (28)10  ------ > ? 2
8. (54)10  ------ > ? 2
9. (9)10  ------ > ? 2
10. (49)10  ------ > ? 2

VIII. Answer the following questions :

1. What is the purpose of using Macromedia Flash?
2. What do you understand by mail merge?
3. Write a short notes on : Timeline.
4. What is the central processing unit? Define  its parts.
5. Explain the main components of mail merge.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Cottonian Shield Seniors Finals -2013

Ever Loyal Old Boys


Junior Finals

School Captain and the Former Cricket Team Captain

Class 7 - Excel (revision)

1. To get the answer after adding the given numbers 

you could use
  •  autosum
  • =sum(E4:E6)
  • =E4+E5+E6
  • =sum(45,69,28)
Same way other functions can be used.
2. Difference between today( ) and now( )
3. The following are the different types of errors.
Find the reason for the above errors.

 4. Autosum
It is one of the widely used functions. If you have many numbers to add, don't bother to write the formula for addition, just select the range and select autosum button in the Home menu. Bingo...
If you want select non adjacent cells, press Ctrl key and select the cells you want.    

5. Cell Referencing
 By now   you must be knowing each cell has a unique address or a cell reference. The cell address is nothing but the column letter followed by the row number.
  • Relative Reference
           This is the widely used reference. Here excel adjusts and changes the cell address for the new location , when you copy a formula.


In the above picture the values at cells A1 and A2 are added using sum function. If you copy the formula and paste it at c3, the cell address in the formula automatically changes to C1 and C2.

  • Absolute Reference

      Sometimes we do not want the cell address to change, when we copy the formula. So we need to make it absolute cell reference.
This is done by adding a $ before the column letter and row number. To make C20 an absolute reference, introduce a $ symbol. Then it will be $C$20.

The second answer should be 900 if I copy the formula in cell A3 and paste in C3. But there is a twist in the story, I do not want the second value to change, so I introduce $ symbol in the second cell address making it fixed. 
  • Mixed Reference
       In mixed reference either the column or the row remain fixed. So the formula would be $L2 or L$2.
In $F46 , the row number is allowed to change not the column.
In E$70, the column is allowed to change not the row.

Class 7 -MS Excel

Functions :
One of the useful things in excel is built in functions. we just need to select our data and enter the function.. simple.

Each function contains two parts namely
  • Function name
  • Arguments
e.g :

here sum is the function name and A1 : A10 the argument.

1. SUM ( )
It adds all the numbers in the given range. Both the formula and function should start with an equal symbol.
  • =Sum(C5 : C25)
  • = Sum(12,34,97)
  • =Sum(A1,250)
All the above methods are valid.

2. PRODUCT ( )
It multiplies all the numbers in the given range.
  • =Product(C5 : C25)
  • = Product(12,31)
  • =Product(G11,250)

  • 3.AVERAGE( )
    It finds the average of the given numbers in the range.
    • =Average(C5 : C25)
    • = Average(122,31,56,78,40)
    4. MAX( )
    It finds the maximum number in the given range

    5. MIN( )
    It finds the minimum number in the given range

    6.NOW( )
    Displays the current date and time. There is no argument here.
    7.TODAY( )
    Displays the current date.

    Saturday 7 September 2013

    Class 6 - Macromedia Flash

    We are going to learn Animation. yes real animation. You don't have to be an artist, just little bit of creativity and lots of interest are enough.  Its going to be exciting . So first the basics......

    The intersecting horizontal and vertical lines on the stage is called a Grid. If you select show grid your stage will look like this


    Tool Box

    Toolbox  is divided into 4 sections.
    •  Tools : It contains basic drawing and editing tools.
    • View : Hand tool and zoom tool help the user to view the stage clearly.
    Hand tool moves the stage , zoom tool enlarges the stage.
    • Colors : The border color and fill color can be selected from this section.
    • Options : It contains the modifiers. They are used to change the properties of the selected tool.
    • Property inspector : The height, width, color etc can be changed here.
    • Timeline : It is used to set the timing of the animation. Has two parts namely Frames and Layers.



    Friday 6 September 2013

    Class 6 - Binary to Decimal

     Number System
    1. Binary Number System
    Only 0 and 1 are allowed in binary number system. So the base is 2(only two numbers)
    2. Decimal Number System
    0,1,2......9 are allowed in decimal number system. So the base is 10( 0 to 9,totally 10 numbers)

    The base is written along with the number to identify the number system.
    Conversion from binary to decimal :
    22=4 (2 x 2)
    23=8(2 x 2x 2)
    24=16(2 x 2x 2 x 2)
     and so on.......

    2. (110)2

    1   1   0

     = 1 x 2 2 + 1 x 2 1+ 0 x 2

     = 4 + 2 + 0
    = 6
    Answer = (6) 10

    3. (111)2
     = 1 x 2 2 + 1 x   2 1   + 1 x   2 0
    = 4 + 2+ 1
    = 7

    4. (1011)2
    =1 x   2 3  + 0 x 2 2 + 1 x   2 1   + 1 x   2 0

    = 8+0 + 2+ 1
    = 11

    5. (1101)2
    =1 x   2 3  + 1 x 2 2 + 0 x   2 1   + 1 x   2 0

    = 8+4 + 0+ 1
    = 13

    Conversion from decimal to binary

    This involves repeated division of the quotient by two, the remainder forms the part of the answer.
    1. (4)10

    4 / 2 = 2  remainder = 0
    2/2 = 1    remainder = 0

    You cannot divide 1 by 2, so stop now. Therefore the answer is

    2. (7)10

    7 / 2 = 3 remainder = 1
    3 / 2 = 1 remainder = 1

    = (111)2

    3. (13)10

    13 / 2 = 6 remainder = 1
    6 / 2 = 3   remainder = 0
    3 / 2 = 1   remainder = 1
    = (1101)2