Wednesday 17 July 2013

Class 7 - Worksheet 2

1. Write a program in HTML to display the following :

My first program                        ---------------------------- 1
I am in class 7                               -----------------------------2

Bishop Cotton Boys' School        -----------------------------3
<title> Example 1</title>
<body >

<b> My first program</b> <br>
 I am in  <I> class 7 </I> <p>
<u> Bishop Cotton Boys' School</p>

The  line1 is darker than the rest of the program. This is because of the bold tag. to go to the next line use the <br> tag.
In line 2 , only class 7 is slanting , so use italics tag for that.
There is a blank line between  line 2 and line 3, so paragraph tag should be used. Even if you close <p> before <u> tag also will give same effect.
In line 3,a line is drawn below the whole sentence using <u> tag.

2. What would be the output for the following program:
<title> Example 2</title>
<body bgcolor=olive >                              ------------------1
<font color=white size=6 face= Mistral> ------------------2
Computers<br>Class 7 
Cottonnian shield...................

<!- I am going to draw a line - >               -----------------3
<hr size=5  >                                             -----------------4

Line 1 : the background colour. The spelling is bgcolor.
Line 2 : font color makes the text and numbers to turn to that particular colour. face changes the default font name to the name given.
Line 3 : This is the comment line , which will not be displayed in the web browser.
Line 4: The horizontal line with size 5