Monday 22 July 2013

Class 6 - Model Paper

Fill in the blanks with suitable answers:

1. ____ effects are special sound or visual effects which are added to the text or other objects such as picture.
2. ____ is a combination of hyper text and multimedia.
3. 1MB = ___ KB
4. In _________ contents can be erased with the help of electric signals.
5. The _____ memory is limited in size and temporary.
6. Inkjet printer uses ______ technology.
7. An optical mouse uses _____ instead of a rotating ball to detect movement.
8. ____ provides different types of designs, layouts, structures and colour schemes.
9. A monitor screen comprises tiny dots known as ____ that combine to form an image.
10. _____ is referred as the  brain of the  computer.
Match the following

1. QWERTY                                           a. text effect
2. Mechanical mouse                              b. soft copy
3. Scanner                                               c. Doughnut           
4. WordArt                                             d. super computer
5. Chart                                                   e. rubber ball
6. Terabyte                                              f. keyboard
                                                                g. 1024 MB
Write the full form :

1. CPU
2. pixel
3. LCD
4. TFT
5. cps
6. DDR
9. ROM
10. DVD

Differentiate the following terms :

1. Impact and non-impact printers
2. Primary memory and secondary memory
3. CRT and LCD monitors
4. Animation and transition effects

Write the keyboard short cut keys :

1. To open a print dialog box.
2. To close the presentation
3. To start a slide show
4. To insert a duplicate slide
5. To save a presentation