Friday 21 August 2015

Class Schedule

24th August to 1st September

Std 7 :

Lab :

Ch 7: Formatting tags (bold,italics,underline,center,superscript,subscript,hr and image tags)

Theory :
Ch 7 exercise and Ch :8 Lists

Std 8 :

Ch 4 :

Lab :

 Designing forms in the lab (command button, msg command, Checkbox Option button)

Theory :

Ch 5: 
Operators((Data types, Declaring a variable, Assigning a value)

Std 9 :

Lab : Ms Excel 

Simple programs in Java using Blue J method.

Introduction to scanner.

Std 10 :

Lab : String programs.

String functions(substring , charAt,trim,endswith,startswith,toUpperCase, toLowerCase)

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