Thursday 24 July 2014

Class 7 revision

Write the full form for the following  :
Wi – Fi

Answer in one word :
This is an empty tag.
Largest WAN in existence.
The largest heading tag.
New technology in wired transmission channels.

Choose the correct answer:
Which sequence of HTML tags are correct?



Which of the following is the correct code to change the text to Calibri

WWW is based on which model?
3 D model
Client server model
Client model
None of the above
To display the text, which of  the given tags is used
Use the words given below just once in order to fill in the gaps:

_____1____ is a computer that manages storage and retrieval of files. A network allows computers to ___2___, users to __3____ each other, a whole room of computers to ___4_____, etc. To set up a network you have to select an appropriate ___5___ to arrange the hardware devices using the media. Network connections between computers are typically created using __6_____. However, connections can be created using ____7___, telephone lines (and modems) or even, for very long distances, via ___8__links.  Bluetooth is a __9____ technology designed for very ___10___ connections.
Differentiate  between the following terms: [2x5=10]
Star Topology and Bus Topology

WYSIWYG editor and text editor
Client server architecture and Peer-to-Peer architecture

Answer the following questions:
What is networking ? Give two advantages.
What are the different components of network? Explain any one.

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