Monday 28 July 2014

Thursday 24 July 2014

Class 7 revision

Write the full form for the following  :
Wi – Fi

Answer in one word :
This is an empty tag.
Largest WAN in existence.
The largest heading tag.
New technology in wired transmission channels.

Choose the correct answer:
Which sequence of HTML tags are correct?



Which of the following is the correct code to change the text to Calibri

WWW is based on which model?
3 D model
Client server model
Client model
None of the above
To display the text, which of  the given tags is used
Use the words given below just once in order to fill in the gaps:

_____1____ is a computer that manages storage and retrieval of files. A network allows computers to ___2___, users to __3____ each other, a whole room of computers to ___4_____, etc. To set up a network you have to select an appropriate ___5___ to arrange the hardware devices using the media. Network connections between computers are typically created using __6_____. However, connections can be created using ____7___, telephone lines (and modems) or even, for very long distances, via ___8__links.  Bluetooth is a __9____ technology designed for very ___10___ connections.
Differentiate  between the following terms: [2x5=10]
Star Topology and Bus Topology

WYSIWYG editor and text editor
Client server architecture and Peer-to-Peer architecture

Answer the following questions:
What is networking ? Give two advantages.
What are the different components of network? Explain any one.

Sunday 20 July 2014

Photoshop Revision

Brush Palette

         The user can select any type of brush from thousands of different types of brushes.

      It is used to store information about  the colour elements in an image.

Color Palette
                    It displays the foreground and background colors.

1. Foreground color
2. Background color

Layer Palette

     The user can control the layers in the image by using the various buttons in the palette.
A. Layer visibility  

B. Painting on the layer

C: Layer linked to active layer

D: New Layer


Saturday 19 July 2014

Class 8 - VB

Visual Basic

Visual basic was derived from the language BASIC. 

BASIC has its own limitations., it is a simple programming language but used only in a text based environment. But visual basic is

  • User friendly

  • Supports Graphical User Interface(GUI)

VB is an Event- driven programming, which means the flow of the program is determined by an Event.

An Event is an action performed either by mouse click, double click or pressing keys on the keyboard.

 Integrated Development Environment describes the interface and the environment we use to create our own applications.

 1. Form design window
 2. Tool box

 3. Menu bar

 4. Project explorer

 5. Properties window

 6. Form layout

Project Explorer Window
              It lists all the forms in the project. The components of the window are:
  • View code
  • View object
  • Toggle folders
  • Project name
  • Forms folder
  • form module

Properties Window

              It displays the properties like font name, caption, background colour etc of the selected object on the form.

A form is saved with an extension  .frm .
A project is saved with an extension .vbp .

        To execute the visual basic program :
  •         Click Run from Start option
  •         Click start on the Toolbar
  •         Press F5 key

Thursday 17 July 2014

Class 7 - Worksheet 1

Select the correct answer:
  1. HTML stands for
  • Hyper Text Markup Language
  • Hyper Text Makeup Language

2. Container element has both
  • opening and middle tag
  • opening and closing tag
3. <br> is
  • a line break tag
  • an empty tag
  • line break and an empty tag
4. Firefox is
  • an editor
  • a web browser
  • search engine
5. How would you give the background colour
  • <body backcolor=red>
  • <body bgcolour=red>
  • <body bgcolor=red>
  • <body backcolour=red>
  • <body bg color=red>
6. To change the colour of the letters and numbers you type
  • <text=green>
  • <body textcolour=green>
  • <body text=green>
  • <textcolour=green>
7. <p> tag
  • moves the cursor to the next line
  • leaves a blank line
  • leaves a paragraph
8. _____ are not displayed in the web browser.
  • comments
  • title
  • body
9. To align the text in the middle of the page
  • <align=center>
  • <align=centre>
  • <p align=centre>
  • <center>
10. Heading tags ranges from ___ to _____
  • 1 to 7
  • 1 to 6
  • 1 to 3
11. To make the text look darker
  • <dark>
  • <b>
  • <bold>
12. To draw a line across the text
  • <u>
  • <line>
  • <strike>
  • <strikethrough>
13. The largest heading tag is
  • <head>
  • <h1>
  • <h6>

14. The text between <title> and </title> will be displayed
  • in the title bar
  • in the heading bar
  • in the web page
  • none of the above
15. An attribute is
  • an additional information about the tag
  • main tag
  • an example
16. An example of WYSIWYG
  • MS Word
  • Frontpage
  • HTML


      Class 7


      1. Write a program to display your name ,class and section in different lines.

      2. Add color to the previous program.

      3. Display the following in the webpage.

      4.Write a program to display the following.

      • Your House name darker than the rest of the text.
      • Your Block name tilted
      • Your school name should be underlined.

      Monday 14 July 2014


      Vijay of 8 H has done the following amazing effects in Photoshop. Well done Vijay.


      Class 8 - List


      There are three types of lists.
      • Ordered List

      • Unordered List

      • Definition List

      Ordered List :

      • <ol >       - Default list. It gives the numbers.
      • <ol type=A>
      • <ol type=a>
      • <ol type=I>
      • <ol type=i> 

      Output :

      Unordered List

      • Disc - Default list
      • Circle
      • Square
       Output :
      Definition List

      Output :

       Nested List

      Output :


      Friday 11 July 2014

      Class 8 - Photoshop

      Photoshop Tools


      1. Marquee tool

      It is used to select a particular part of the image. It may be rectangle, elliptical, single row and single column selections.


      2. Move tool




       It moves the selection.

      3. Lasso Tool

      It makes a freehand selection. There are three types Lasso, Polygon and Magnetic.


      4. Crop Tool

      It trims the images.

      5. Blur Tool

      It blurs hard edges in the  images


      Smudge tool

      6. Eraser Tool


      It erases the image.

      7. Eye dropper Tool

      It is used to pick a colour  from an image , and that can be used somewhere else.

      8. Paint bucket tool


      It fills the foreground with the given colour.

      9. Type Tool


      It types the text on the image.





      Thursday 10 July 2014

      Class 8 - Photoshop

      Tools in Photoshop

      The following are the tools in PS  for the I Unit Test 2014

      1. Marquee Tool

      2. Move Tool

      3. Crop Tool

      4. Lasso Tool

      5. Paint Bucket tool

      6. Eye dropper Tool

      7. Blur Tool

      8. Brush Tool

      9. Type Tool


      Sunday 6 July 2014

      Class 7 - HTML (Ch 7)

      HTML (Hyper Text MarkUp Language) is used to create web pages. The codes are called tags. The tags are given within < and >.
      There are two types of tags ,
      i.                   Container Tag : It has both opening and closing tags.
      ii.                 Empty Tag     : It has only an opening tag.
      The basic structure of a HTML document is
       Whatever is typed between <title> and </title>  will be displayed on the title bar not in the web page.

      <head><title> My Page BCBS</title>
      Your text goes here.
      The data entered between <body> and </body> only  will be displayed in the web page.

      Line Break Tag:
      The cursor moves to the next line.
      Paragraph Tag :
      It leaves a blank line.
      Heading Tag : Heading tags are used to display the text slightly bigger and bolder. There are six levels. Level 1 is the largest.
      The output will  be:
          Formatting Tags :
      1.     Bold :  <b>  …</b>
      2.     Italics  : <I> …. </I>
      3.     Underline  : <U> ….</U>
      4.     Superscript : <SUP>….. </SUP>
      5.     Subscript : <SUB> ….</SUB>
      6.     Center Tag: The spelling is important. It positions the text in the center of the screen. <center>....</center>
      7. Strikethrough : <strike> ..... </strike> : It draws a line through
      the middle of the text.
      The output will be: