Monday 17 March 2014

Class 6 - Revision

State True or False :

1. Numeric variable starts with a letter.
2. The symbol * is used to find the quotient.
3. The INPUT statement is used to accept values from the user.
4. When comma is used along with PRINT statement, tab is inserted between the values.
5. REM command executes the program.

Choose the correct answer:

1. AND is a
       (i) Logical Operator               (ii) Relational Operator
    (iii) Arithmetic operator         (iv) None of the above
2. 14.5 is a
    (i) variable                             (ii) Constant
    (iii) statement                        (iv) None of the above
3. It is used to assign a value to a variable
   (i) INPUT                               (ii) CLS
   (iii) LET                                 (iv) None of the above
4. Not equal to is given by
   (i) < >                                     (ii) = =
   (iii) ^                                      (iv) None of the above
5. A single command in a program is
  (i) statement                           (ii) command
  (iii) equation                          (iv) None of the above
6. $ symbol is used in
  (i) String variable                  (ii) String constant
  (iii) numeric constant            (iv) None of the above

Mark the following as valid or invalid :

1. class$
2. 256.6.7
3. 1H
4. s_4
5. S.NO
6. B   7
7. total100

Predict the output :

1. if x=5 and y=20, what will be the output for the following program

if  x < > y  then
z= x - y
z= x + y
end if
Print z

Let a$ = "GOOD"
Let b$= "Morning"
Print a$,b$
Print a$;b$

Let L=4
Let B=3
a= L* B
Print a
p= 2*(L+B)
Print p

Write programs in BASIC for the following questions :

1. Accept the radius of the circle and  find the area and circumference .
Area of the circle = 3.14 x R x R
Circumference = 2 x 3.14 x R

2. Input a number and check whether it is a  positive or negative.
  (hint : greater than 0 is positive, otherwise negative)

3. Input two numbers, depending upon the user's choice  add, subtract, multiply  or divide the numbers.

4. Input two numbers , print its sum only if the sum exceeds 200.

If you have any doubts mail me. Happy Programming.

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