Saturday 22 March 2014


Create the following webpage :
<frameset rows=25%,*>
<frame src=top.html>
<frameset cols=25%,*,35%>
<frame src=left.html>
<frame src=mid.html>
<frame src=rights.html>

<font size=6 color=marroon>
Picture Gallery
<img src=jrteam1.PNG>

<body bgcolor=beige text=red>

Enter your Name : <input type=text><p>
Enter class/Sec : <input type=text><p>
Enter your roll no : <input type=text><p>

Select your House :<p>
<input type=radio>Elphick House<br>
<input type=radio>Pettigrew House<br>
<input type=radio>Thomas House<br>
<input type=radio>Pope House<br>
<input type=radio>PakenhamWalsh House<br>
Drop your Comments:<br>
<textarea cols=25 rows=5>
<input type=submit value=Submit>

<img src=kg.png><p>
<img src=junior1.png><p>
<img src=junior2.png><p>
<img src=middle.gif><p>
<img src=senior.png><p>
<img src=isc.png>


Class 8 - Frames

<body bgcolor=olive text=white>
<b><center> One</center></b>

<body bgcolor=pink text=white>
<b><center> Two</center></b>


<frameset rows=30%,*>
<frame src=one.html>
<frame src=two.html>

Output :


<frameset cols=30%,35%,*>
<frame src=three.html>
<frame src=four.html>
<frame src=five.html>

Output :

<frameset rows=35%,*>
<frame src=one.html>
<frameset cols=30%,35%,*>
<frame src=three.html>
<frame src=four.html>
<frame src=five.html>

Output :


Monday 17 March 2014

Class 6 - Revision Answers






Class 6 - Revision

State True or False :

1. Numeric variable starts with a letter.
2. The symbol * is used to find the quotient.
3. The INPUT statement is used to accept values from the user.
4. When comma is used along with PRINT statement, tab is inserted between the values.
5. REM command executes the program.

Choose the correct answer:

1. AND is a
       (i) Logical Operator               (ii) Relational Operator
    (iii) Arithmetic operator         (iv) None of the above
2. 14.5 is a
    (i) variable                             (ii) Constant
    (iii) statement                        (iv) None of the above
3. It is used to assign a value to a variable
   (i) INPUT                               (ii) CLS
   (iii) LET                                 (iv) None of the above
4. Not equal to is given by
   (i) < >                                     (ii) = =
   (iii) ^                                      (iv) None of the above
5. A single command in a program is
  (i) statement                           (ii) command
  (iii) equation                          (iv) None of the above
6. $ symbol is used in
  (i) String variable                  (ii) String constant
  (iii) numeric constant            (iv) None of the above

Mark the following as valid or invalid :

1. class$
2. 256.6.7
3. 1H
4. s_4
5. S.NO
6. B   7
7. total100

Predict the output :

1. if x=5 and y=20, what will be the output for the following program

if  x < > y  then
z= x - y
z= x + y
end if
Print z

Let a$ = "GOOD"
Let b$= "Morning"
Print a$,b$
Print a$;b$

Let L=4
Let B=3
a= L* B
Print a
p= 2*(L+B)
Print p

Write programs in BASIC for the following questions :

1. Accept the radius of the circle and  find the area and circumference .
Area of the circle = 3.14 x R x R
Circumference = 2 x 3.14 x R

2. Input a number and check whether it is a  positive or negative.
  (hint : greater than 0 is positive, otherwise negative)

3. Input two numbers, depending upon the user's choice  add, subtract, multiply  or divide the numbers.

4. Input two numbers , print its sum only if the sum exceeds 200.

If you have any doubts mail me. Happy Programming.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Class 7 - revision paper

I.  Fill in the blanks:                                                                        
1.    ___ folder stores all the incoming e-mails.

    2. Y axis is also known as  _____ axis.

    3. For making various gridlines visible in the chart, ______ tab is used.

    4.________is the number of pixels per square inch that a monitor can display.

     5. _______ deals with manipulation of text string only.

II.                True or false                                                                                

1.  The sqr function is used to find the square root of the number
     in BASIC.

2.   The screen statement allows you to change the colour of the screen.

3.   An indexer searches the internet for new terms.

4.   A pie chart is used to plot a single set of series.

5.  Values present in the worksheet are known as data labels.

III.Name the  following :                                                        

    1. Crawler and indexer jointly results in the efficiency of this.
(search engine)
    2. Popular video conferencing software(cu-SeeMee, Microsoft   net meeting)

    3. Compresses and decompresses video and audio data(codec)

    4. It displays more than one set of figures in the Excel chart.(doughnut)

    5. Transfers the controls to a specified line in the BASIC program.(jump  statement)

IV.  Find the odd one out :                                                                        
1. For …Next , Do…Loop,  While…. Wend
2. Google, Google Chrome, Fire fox, Opera
3. Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Notepad
4. , , www.,

5. Inbox, Compose, Draft, Favorites

V. Correct the mistakes if any:

1.     For a=100 to 10 step 10

2.     X= 3

Do X<=10

Print X


3.     String s$=”Google Chrome”

Print Left$(4,s$)

4.     While statements are executed till the condition is false, whereas do until till the condition is true.

1.     Predict the output for the following statements:
LET C = 0


LET C = C + 1



a. 0

b. 1

c. 5

d. 6

   3. What would be the output for the following program segment:

            A$=”Bishop Cotton Boys’ School”

            Print LEN(A$)

VII. Write programs for the following questions:

    1. Display the even numbers from 20 to 200.[Use  for]                        
    2. Display the numbers from 500 to 1[Use do until]                           
3. Display the numbers from 1 to 50.[Use while]                       
4. Display the following output if the value of B$=”Cottons”:  


VIII. Answer the following questions:                                           
1.     What are the screen modes in BASIC?
2.     Discuss any two means of communication over the internet.
3.     Write a short note on videoconferencing.
4.     What are the options available in layout tab in Excel?
5.     Name any four types of charts.

IX. Identify the following:

