Wednesday 26 February 2014

Class 7 - Ch 6

Ch 6: Advanced Features of QBASIC


I.                   Fill in the blanks :

1.     String Functions

2.     For .. Next

3.     Exit

5.     String resolution

II.                State true or false:

1.     True

2.     False

3.     False

4.     True

5.     False

Practical Exercises :

1. For a=1 to 5

Print “BCBS”

Next a



2. For i=1 to 10

Print  “5 * “  ; i ;  “*” ;  5*i

Next i



In the above program we are printing  the table of 5.

In the print statement  5 *  is given within  double quotes, so it
 will be printed as it is. Then there is a semicolon(;) to give
space between the letters. * within quotation will be printed as
it is, then semicolon will give space and then finally 5*i will
give the multiplication value. Remember it is not within
quotation, because we don’t want it to be printed as it is but
we want the product.

         For x= 19 to 1 step - 2

Print x

Next x

 4 a.

Screen  9

Line (10,10) – (150,60), 5,  B

Line (10,70) – (150,120), 5, B

Line(10,130) – (150, 180) , 5 , B


In this program we are drawing three rectangles one below the other. You can draw a square or a rectangle  using  4 Line commands without B, or you can follow the above method where we write only one statement for a square or a rectangle.

4 b.

Screen 9

Circle (100,100), 50

Circle (100, 250) , 50





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