Saturday 30 November 2013

Class 7 - Revision

Flash (ch # 5)
Pen Tool
It is used to draw precise paths with straight lines and smooth flowing curves.
Eyedropper Tool
It is used to get colours and style from the existing lines, brush strokes and fills and applying the same to other object.
Gradient Transform Tool
It is used to transform the gradient filled area of an object
It is the area where the timing and sequencing of several graphics and other elements of flash movie.

It determines the content that should appear at a specific point in the movie. Shortcut key is F5.
It indicates the start or end of an action in the animation.



It is a reusable graphic image, button, movie clip or text that is stored as a part of a Flash movie.
An instance is an occurrence of a symbol on the stage.
  •   Symbols are used in a movie  when many objects in the movie need to be reused.
  • It reduces the file size since a specific symbol needs to be saved only once irrespective of the number of instances of that symbol we use in the document.
To convert the drawings into symbols select Convert to symbol from Modify menu. Shortcut key is F8.
All the symbols that are used in the movie are stored in the library. These symbols in the library can be added, duplicated, deleted, edited and updated. Short cut key is F11.

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