Thursday 21 February 2013

Class X-Sec A

Chap # 1:
1.     What is a byte code?
2.     What is JDK?
3.     Explain : Java Virtual Machine.
4.     What do you mean by source code?
5.     Explain the importance of import statement.
6.     What is a syntax error? Give one example.
7.     What is a logical error? Give one example
8.     What is a runtime error? Give one example
Chap # 2:
1.     What is an object?
2.     Define a class.
3.     Differentiate between java byte code and machine language code.
4.     Why compiled java code run on most computers?
5.     What is a java package?
6.     Name any 3 OOP’S principles.
7.     Name two types of java programs.
8.     Mention different types of  giving comment in the program.

Chap # 3:
1.     Define : Unicode
2.     Name any 4 tokens.
3.     Define : data type.What are its types?
4.     What is a variable?
5.     What does the keyword ‘final’ mean?
6.     What is type casting? What is the other name for type casting?
7.     What is type conversion? What is the other name given to it?
8.     What is the difference between / and % ?
9.     What are the logical operators?
10.  What are the relational operators?
11.  What is the other name for conditional operator?
12. Differentiate : = and ==
13.Find the output :
int p=5;
d=++p + 5;
14.  a=48, find
a=a++ + ++a;
15. If m=12, find
n=m++ * 5 + --m;
16.  Write the java expression for the following :
17. Which keyword is used to create an instance of a class?