1. Monitor
A.Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)
- Bulky
- Needs more power
- Cheaper
B. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
- Uses TFT (Thin Film Transmitter) technology
- Light weight and compact
- Needs less power
- Expensive
2. Printers
i. Impact printer
- It physically strikes a head or a needle against an ink
ribbon to make a mark on the paper. Low quality printout,
takes more time.
Line Printer - It prints single line at a time
Character Printer - It prints single character at a time
Dot Matrix Printer
- Prints one character at a time
- Speed is measured in characters per second (cps)
- Inexpensive
- Very noisy
- Low quality printout
- Print only in black
- Takes more time
Daisy Wheel Printer
- Cannot print graphics
- Slow and more expensive than Dot Matrix Printer
Drum Printers
- Faster than the above two printers
- Prints a line in a single operation
- Low quality printout
- Loud and
- very expensive
ii. Non impact printer
- These printers do not involve any contact between the
print head and the surface. High speed and high quality.
Ink Jet Printer
- High resolution
- High quality and text
- Sprays droplets of ink onto the paper to produce a
-Thermal heating process or the Bubble inkjet
technology is used
Laser Printer
- Good quality printout
- High speed
- Expensive
- High Maintenance Cost
3. Plotter
- Also called Microprocessor
- Brain of the Computer
- Speed of the Computer depends upon the Microprocessor
- Dual core, i3, i5, i7 are the examples
- Consists of 3 parts
- All mathematical Calculations, logical comparisons are done
- Small memory units
- Stores data, instructions and results while processing
- Controls the movement of data inside and outside the CPU
- Communicates between the Registers and the ALU
- Communicates between the CPU and the Input-Output storage devices.
1. Monitor
- The screen comprises of tiny dots known as pixels
- Pixels combine to form an image
A.Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)
- Bulky
- Needs more power
- Cheaper
B. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
- Uses TFT (Thin Film Transmitter) technology
- Light weight and compact
- Needs less power
- Expensive
2. Printers
i. Impact printer
- It physically strikes a head or a needle against an ink
ribbon to make a mark on the paper. Low quality printout,
takes more time.
Line Printer - It prints single line at a time
Character Printer - It prints single character at a time
Dot Matrix Printer
- Prints one character at a time
- Speed is measured in characters per second (cps)
- Inexpensive
- Very noisy
- Low quality printout
- Print only in black
- Takes more time
Daisy Wheel Printer
- Cannot print graphics
- Slow and more expensive than Dot Matrix Printer
Drum Printers
- Faster than the above two printers
- Prints a line in a single operation
- Low quality printout
- Loud and
- very expensive
ii. Non impact printer
- These printers do not involve any contact between the
print head and the surface. High speed and high quality.
Ink Jet Printer
- High resolution
- High quality and text
- Sprays droplets of ink onto the paper to produce a
-Thermal heating process or the Bubble inkjet
technology is used
Laser Printer
- Good quality printout
- High speed
- Expensive
- High Maintenance Cost
3. Plotter
- Generates graphical outputs such as images, charts, graphs, blueprints, maps, circuit diagrams and other line-based diagrams.
- Draws lines using a pen.
- Used by engineers and architects.