Wednesday 21 August 2013

Cottonian Shield - Juniors

 26th July 2013, a memorable one for me as a class teacher. Because not every day you would see 4 of your own playing for the school team and part of the Cottonian shield finals.
The team played extremely well in the league phase, but couldn't win the finals. Neverthless it was a very good match.

Thursday 8 August 2013

Class X - Assignment I

1. Using if else statement write a program in Java to calculate the grade as per the given criteria:
      % of marks                                                     Grade
       75 - 100                                             passed with star
       60 - 74                                               1st division
       40 - 59                                               2nd division
       Less than 40                                      Failed
2. Write a program to find the sum of the series:

3. Write a program to input a number n, output the results of the following evaluation based on the number entered by the user.
  • Absolute value of the number
  • Square root of the number
  • Power of the number
4. Write a program to input a character and check if it is a vowel. If not print an appropriate message. Use switch case statement.
5. Write a program to input the number of days for issuing the library book. Calculate the charges according to the following criteria.
            Days                                            Charges
            < 5                                                 Re. 1.00
            5 and <8                                        Rs. 2.00
            8 and above                                   Rs. 3.50
  The program should work for n people.
6. Using an overloaded function add () , write a program to take an int array argument and find sum of all the elements. When a second argument ' O ' or ' E ' is passed with the int array, the program should return the sum of the odd numbers or even numbers respectively. If any other character is passed as the second argument, the function will return 0.
7. Write a program to accept two strings. Display the new string by taking each character of the first string from left to right and of the second string from right to left. The letters should be taken alternatively from each string. Assume that the length of both the strings are same.
eg :
First string       :  HISTORY
Second String  :  SCIENCE

8. Write a program to enter a string , display the
  • Total number of two letter words
  • Total number of three letter words
  • Total number of four letter words
eg :
Sample Input     :  He that is down needs fear no fall
Sample Output  :
                 Number of two letter words = 3
                 Number of three letter words = 0
                 Number of four letter words = 4
9. Kesar Travels Pvt Ltd gives the following discount to its customers.
          Ticket amount in Rs.                     Discount
          Above 70000                                     18%
          55001 to 70000                                  16%
          35001 to 55000                                  12%
          25001 to 35000                                  10%
        Less than 25001                                   2%
10. Write a program to input the name and ticket amount for the customers and calculate the discount amount and the net amount to be paid. Display the output in the following format for each customer. The program should work as long as the user wishes to do so.
Sl. No        Ticket chargers               Discount             Net amount

11. The annual examination results of 50 students in a class is tabulated
         Roll no             Subject A    Subject B    Subject C
Write a program to read the data into different arrays, calculate and display the following :
  • average mark obtained by each student
  • print the roll number of the students whose average marks is above 85.
  • print the roll number of the students whose average marks is below 45.